Upko Black Label Collection Paddle



Upko Black Label Collection Paddle

SKU 8215700
Kod EAN 6971126863630
Brand UPKO

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To produce the newly upgraded Black Label Collection
To give a beautiful metaphor for the intimate relation

Use selected Italian cowhide as the main material, same as that of luxury brands, and produce manually by artisans with rich experience.
Exquisite brass hardware electroplated with gold. Shinier luxury comes with upgraded quality.
By using Indonesian lizard skin, each piece of leather has a unique natural pattern. The raw materials are obtained in line with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.
Imported from Czech Republic, the Zircons look just like the twinkling scattered stars. Time, the unfailing crayon, will carve out an endless enduring halo.
Planets in orbits and stars of gold are scattered in the void outer space, marking out their own untouchable tracks in the depths of darkness.
The combination of rare leather and metal has brought great challenges to the producing craftsmanship

Super large paddle
Made with genuine leather and each "Kiss" (beat on the skin) is to receive a flood of love coming from the universe.
Fully wrapped in precious lizard skin, which enables an unprecedented tactile experience, comes through the uniquely textured quality.
The glossy metal collides but also balances well with the textured sensation of lizard skin, as if the endless rosy stars are wandering freely in the unknown.

Italian leather,zirconium,Gold-plated brass parts,Indonesian lizard skin
(Convention on international trade in
endangered species of wild fauna and flora)

Total length: 14.56 inches
Width: 4 inches
Length of handle: 5.12 inches
Width of handle: 1.77 inches